Adam Baker (Bachelor of Arts '14) is a PhD student in Cognitive and Neural Sciences at Simon Fraser University in the Department of Psychology. He's currently working in the Laboratory for Affective and Developmental Neuroscience as well as collaborating with various neuroscience institutes across Canada and the USA. The aim of his doctoral research is to use novel methods of neuro imaging (EEG, fMRI, TMS) to investigate how biological systems mediate social interactions. Recently, Adam has created a new study that looks at neuro-computational models of reinforcement learning with individuals who have experienced significant levels of sleep deprivation.
Adam has also recently created a bridge between SFU's Psychology and Political Science department, culminating in SFU's first electrophysiology study aimed at a political question. Employing cognitive psychology tasks and high-density brain electrical recordings, Adam has created a project that seeks neurological evidence that individuals who have incongruencies between their political identities and personal interests can experience a conflict when making political choices.
Lastly, Adam recently became a member of SFU's Indigenous Research Institute. He developed a neuroscience study aimed at highlighting implicit and explicit biases toward Canadian Aboriginal Peoples, while testing a novel biasing reducing strategy. For more information, on Adam, visit his website: www.adamkylebaker.com.
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